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5 Stress Relief Food

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Many foods that are known to relieve stress, such as chocolate or ice cream. But it turns out there are other foods that can fight stress and make the body healthy. Anything?

As quoted from Shine, Thursday (22/10/2009), there are 5 types of food that can relieve stress, namely:

1. Spinach
According to Beth Reardon, RD, nutrition experts from Duke Integrative Medicine in Durham, North Carolina, three bowls of spinach could supply 40 percent of the magnesium, which is a mineral that can reduce the effects of stress on the body by preventing blood pressure soaring. Enter the spinach in an omelet or a sandwich if you do not like to eat it separately.

2. Orange
Even healthy people who are stressed can get sick, according to a study by researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Blood pressure monitor greatly affect the immune system. But it can be combated by regular consumption of vitamin C that it is present in citrus. Vitamin C will increase the body's immune cells and reduce the risk of viruses.

3. Chocolate
It is no wonder anymore if the chocolate is called the food stress reliever. "Chocolate will increase the level of neurotransmitter substances to the brain that will trigger spending maker hormones such as dopamine happy and relaxed," said Alan Hirsch, MD, director of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, Chicago.

4. Fish
The content of omega 3 in fish-sea fish such as salmon and tuna can improve the ability of the brain and reduce senility. In a study published in Diabetes & Metabolism, participants who ate fish during the 3 weeks of anti-stress hormones known to remove higher when performing some cognitive tests.

5. Whole Wheat
B vitamins are found mainly in whole grains will stimulate production of serotonin, a hormone and neurotransmitter substance that will send soothing signals in the brain. Elisa Zied, RD, author of Nutrition at Your Fingertips said that whole wheat body will digest slowly so that any released serotonin would last long.

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