Nutrition Center, Physical Activity, Weight Management, Stress Management, Fats & Oils, Quit Smoking, Vitamins

Essential vitamins for smokers

Monday, December 27, 2010

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STOPPING smoking is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. However, it does not mean you have to give up so easily on the circumstances and did not seek to improve yourself or make your life healthier.

If you are a heavy smoker, you should diligently taking antioxidant vitamins. This is important because vitamins and antioksidant at least provide some protection against the effects of smoking is harmful.

The evidence of the benefits of antioxidant vitamins has been widely revealed through research and study. A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine last November, for example, showed that the use of antioxidant supplements beta carotene long-term (more than 15 years) may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease or a decline in thinking abilities.
The idea that antioxidants such as beta carotene can help protect against Alzheimer's disease is not new. But the idea is still controversial because some studies mennujukkan some are not positive results. Although even so, it would not hurt you improve your nutritional intake by eating nutritious foods or vitamins in the form of antioxidants.

Experts usually recommend nutritional intake these vitamins so that your immune system is stronger and repair damage caused by tobacco smoke. Here are the types of vitamins that are good for the smokers consumed as revealed in the book Secrets For Men Easy Long-lasting bouquet Doug Dollemore dab Mark Giuliucci ..

- Vitamin C. 250 to 1,000 milligrams per day. Nutritional adequacy is recommended for this vitamin is 60 milligrams. The sources of foods that contain lots of vitamin C include oranges, broccoli, watermelon, red peppers, kiwi fruit, and strawberries.
- Vitamin E. 100 to 400 IU per day. Nutritional adequacy is recommended for this vitamin is the equivalent of 10 milligrams or 15 IU alfatokoferol. Foods rich in vitamin E include vegetable oil, bean sprouts and mango.

- Beta carotene, 15 to 30 milligrams per day. Nutritional adequacy is recommended for this yet exists. Foods that contain lots of beta carotene are yellow and orange fruits and dark green vegetables such as carrots, sweet squash besides spinach and other green leafy vegetables.

Dangers Of Smoking

Sunday, December 26, 2010

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What are the harmful effects of a lifestyle that is harmful to health? What are the diseases caused by smoking? Here are some diseases and the negative impact caused by smoking:

Heart Disease
Tobacco is also one major cause of heart attacks. A smoker's death from heart disease more than the deaths from lung cancer. Even low-tar cigarettes or low nicotine will not reduce the risk of heart disease. Because some of the cigarettes that use a filter to increase the amount of carbon monoxide is inhaled, which makes cigarettes are even worse for heart than cigarettes which do not use filters.

Nicotine contained in cigarettes can make your heart beat faster and increases your body's need for oxygen. Cigarette smoke also contains carbon monoxide is poisonous. These toxic substances walked to actually impede blood flow and oxygen flow to the heart and other vital organs. Nicotine can narrow the blood vessels so that more oxygen flow slows again. That's why smokers have an increased risk of heart disease is very high.

Lung Cancer
Cigarette smoke from tobacco contains many cancer-causing chemical. Inhaled smoke contains many chemicals that can damage lungs. These substances can trigger the occurrence of cancer, especially in the lungs. Lung cancer is the most common cancer caused by smoking. The spread of lung cancer in the body in a quiet place to be a higher stage. In many cases, lung cancer kills quickly.

Heavy smokers who had for years will have emphysema. Emphysema is a disease that gradually will make the lungs lose elasticity. If the lungs lose keelastikannya, it will be difficult to remove the dirty air. The signs are started having trouble breathing in the morning and evening. So easily out of breath. Other signs are often experiencing severe flu, accompanied by a severe cough, and possibly with chronic bronchitis. Cough is often times do not stop and become chronic.

Old Faster
The results of the smokers showed that smokers face men and women are more wrinkles than those who do not smoke. The process of aging is increased in accordance with the habits and the number of cigarettes smoked. The study showed that heavy smokers have wrinkles on the skin is almost five times higher than nonsmokers. Even the premature aging process has already begun for the teens who smoke, such as skin wrinkles, yellowed teeth and bad breath.

Body Damage
The negative impact of smoking is not only harmful to the lungs, heart, and respiratory tract. Smoking habits according to research can damage other body tissues. Dozens of diseases related to tobacco use and even includes pneumonia (pneumonia), gum disease, leukemia, cataracts, kidney cancer, cervical cancer, and pain in the pancreas. The reason for the toxicity of cigarette smoke spread everywhere through the bloodstream. Smoking can cause disease in nearly every organ of the body.


The fat-soluble vitamins

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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The fat-soluble vitamins are vitamins A, D, E and K. To some extent, this vitamin is different from water-soluble vitamins. This vitamin is contained in fat and oily part of food. This vitamin is only digested by bile because it is not soluble in water. The following sections provide detailed descriptions of each of these vitamins.
Vitamin A
It is difficult to determine the amount of vitamin A. This vitamin is produced from two different compounds are converted in the body into vitamin A. In animal food sources, available in the form of retinol; in vegetable food sources are in the form of beta-carotene, which is less efficient than retinol for production of vitamin A. This is what mebuat the recommended amount of vitamin A given in the form of retinol equivalent, RE. The recommended amount of vitamin A is 1000 micrograms RE per day for men and 800 micrograms for women.
Best sources
Vegetables and fruits is a carrier for vitamin A the most. Most of the foods that contain vitamin A is a brightly colored (though not all brightly colored foods containing vitamin A). Vegetables rich in vitamin A include carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, spinach and melon. Milk, cheese, butter and eggs also contain vitamin A.
Vitamin A is essential for the maintenance of the epithelial cells of cornea and vision. Vitamin A also helps the growth and reproduction of bones and teeth. In addition, vitamin A also plays a role in the formation and regulation of hormones and helps protect the body against cancer.
Symptoms of deficiency
Lack of vitamin A can lead to serious consequences. This is usually accompanied by lack of protein and zinc minerals. Vitamin A can be stored in the body for a year. This means that the symptoms of deficiency does not appear immediately after the cessation of intake of this vitamin. However, if it appears after a long period of time there is no consumption, the symptoms may be very clear and severe.
One of the first symptom is night blindness. If the shortage continues, it could also play a role in decreased function of the cornea and cause blindness. Lack of this vitamin may also prevent bone growth, or cause changes in bone shape, forming cracks and damage to the teeth and the cessation of growth of tooth-forming cells. Anemia is the result of another. In addition, this deficiency affects the bones and nervous system, and can lead to paralysis.
Poisoning occurs when vitamin A binding proteins have been fulfilled so that free vitamin A can attack the body's cells. This usually does not occur if the vitamin derived from the daily diet, but this can happen if a person takes supplements. The symptoms are nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and weight loss. Nervous system and muscles may also be affected, causing symptoms such as loss of appetite, irritability, fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, headaches and weak muscles.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D has a characteristic that distinguishes it from other vitamins that can be produced by the sun. This means that vitamin D can be obtained with fixed penerpaan sunlight regularly, and do not need extra vitamin D. The RDA for vitamin D is 5 micrograms per day. Although the amount of vitamin D is formed to increase along the skin exposed to sunlight, but sunlight alone can not cause vitamin D to the level of toxicity.
Primary Sources
Food sources of vitamin D are eggs, liver and fish, as well as milk and margarine are fortified with vitamin D.
Vitamin D works on bone mineralization by increasing the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the digestive system, so that levels in the blood increases. This is done by taking calcium from bone and by encouraging its storage by the kidney.
Symptoms of deficiency
Causes of vitamin D deficiency with calcium deficiency symptoms. Bones can not be hardened by means biasa.Tulang can be weakened as a result of severe bone crooked badan.Kekurangan vitamin D can also cause deformities and pain in the arms and legs, back, torax (chest cavity), and pelvis. Vitamin D deficiency also damages the nervous system and muscles, causing muscle spasms.
Excess vitamin D causes an increase in the concentration of calcium in the blood. Calcium to form kidney stones. High levels of calcium in the blood can also cause blood vessels to harden, which is very harmful to the arteries in the heart and lungs and can be fatal. Additional symptoms of vitamin D toxicity are loss of appetite, headache, weakness, fatigue, excessive thirst, irritability and lethargy.
Vitamin E
The RDA for vitamin E is 10 mg per day for men and 8 mg per day for women.
Best sources
Vitamin E is widely available in vegetable and seed oils, which can be found in the form of margarine, salad dressings, and shortenings. Bean oil and wheat bran oil has the highest concentration of vitamin E that. The next level of corn oil and sunflower seed oil. One tablespoon of this source contains more than the RDA of vitamin E. In contrast, animal fats such as butter and milk contains almost no vitamin E. This is because vitamin E can be easily damaged by heating, it would be better to get it from fresh food.
As with vitamin C, Vitamin E is also an antioxidant. Vitamin E helps stabilize cell membranes, regulate and protect the oxidation reaction of vitamin A. In its role as an antioxidant, vitamin E has a major influence on the cell, such as red blood cells and white blood cells that pass through the lungs.
Symptoms of deficiency
When levels of vitamin E in blood is very low, red blood cells can be divided. This process is called hemolysis eritrodit and can be avoided with vitamin E. Lack of vitamin E can result in nervous system and muscles that cause weakness, difficulty walking and pain in the calf muscle.
Poisoning can occur if excessive consumption, but this does not easily occur as in vitamins A and D. The symptoms are headache, weakness, fatigue, dizziness and abnormal vision.
Vitamin K
Most sources of vitamin K in the body is synthesized by bacteria in the digestive system. Sources of vitamin K in foods are liver, green vegetables are leafy, vegetables like cabbage (cabbage) and milk.
Best sources
Digestive systems of humans contains bacteria that can synthesize vitamin K, which is partially absorbed and stored in the liver. The body needs to get extra vitamin C from food.
Vitamin K is an essential requirement for the synthesis of several proteins including the clotting of blood. Vitamin K is also needed for bone formation.
Deficiency Symptoms
If vitamin K is not contained in the body, blood can not clot. This can cause hemorrhagic disease. However, vitamin K deficiency is rare: only a baby which is prone to it. This is because the digestive system of newborn babies are sterile and do not contain bacteria that can synthesize vitamin K, breast milk contains only small amounts of vitamin K. For that baby is given a number of vitamin K at birth.
Poisoning vitamin K occurs only in people who receive a water-soluble vitamin K replacement. The symptoms are red blood cell hemolysis, jaundice and brain damage.

Vitamin B 6 For Young Pregnancy Nausea Vomiting

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

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Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is also known as vitamin B golong In pregnant women need 1.9 milligrams of vitamin B6 which helps to form antibodies, red blood cells, and neurotrasmiter.

According to several studies allegedly with the consumption of vitamin B6 will help reduce nausea - vomiting in some women, but not at all wanita.Dan own experts still do not know exactly how vitamin B6 to relieve nausea affect this.

To overcome nausea - vomiting during pregnancy, the required dose of vitamin B6 greater, where the recommended dose is 10 mg for 3-4 times a day.

Remember to consult your doctor first before you will take a vitamin B6 to relieve nausea - vomiting you. So your doctor may decide to give or not, and how many doses you need, because the vitamin pregnancy (prenatal vitamins)
usually already there and the amount of vitamin content of vitamin B6 at each prenatal vitamins depending on their respective brands.

Vitamin B6 can also be your consumption of various foods such as bananas, cereals, potatoes, fish, chicken, wheat, corn, beans. So you also can provide these foods in your diet.

The most important thing to cope with nausea and vomiting in pregnancy young is by way of advance NON therapy (Tips to Overcome Nausea, Vomiting Pregnant Young) and the use of vitamin b6 or other medication is given when the state of nausea - vomiting threaten the health of pregnant women.

Remember nausea - vomiting or morning sickness is part of the experience of pregnancy in some women become pregnant.

Understanding and definition of Vitamins - Functions, Use, Sources, Deficiency, Kinds and Types of Vitamins

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Vitamins are complex compounds of a substance that is needed by our body that serves to helping with arrangements or process of the body. Without vitamin humans, animals and other living creatures will be unable to perform activities of living and lack of vitamins can lead to increase the odds of disease in our bodies.

Vitamin based on their solubility in water:- Vitamins that dissolve in water: Vitamin B and Vitamin C- Vitamins are not soluble in water: Vitamin A, D, E, and K or abbreviated ADEK.
1. Vitamin A - Source of vitamin A = milk, fish, green and yellow vegetables, liver, fruits red and yellow colors (red peppers, carrots, banana, papaya, etc.) - Diseases caused by deficiency of vitamin A = night blindness, cataracts, respiratory infections, immune deficiencies, unhealthy skin, and others.

2. Vitamin B1- Sources that contain vitamin B1 = wheat, meat, milk, green beans, yeast, rice, eggs, etc.- Diseases caused by deficiency of vitamin B1 = dry skin / kusik / busik, scaly skin, body resistance decreases.

3. Vitamin B2 - Sources that contain vitamin B2 = fresh vegetables, soybeans, egg yolks, milk, and many others.- Diseases caused by deficiency of vitamin B2 = decrease in endurance, kilit dry scaly, dry mouth, chapped lips, canker sores, and so forth.

4. Vitamin B3- Sources that contain vitamin B3 =fruits, wheat, yeast, liver, fish, kidney, sweet potatoes, poultry meat, etc.- Diseases caused by deficiency of vitamin B3 =disruption of the digestive system, easy muscle cramps and spasms, insomnia, fatigue bedan, easy vomiting and nausea, etc.

5. Vitamin B5 - Sources that contain vitamin B5 = meat, milk, green vegetables, kidney, liver, green beans, and many others.- Diseases caused by deficiency of vitamin B5 = easily become muscle cramps, insomnia, skin cracked and scaly, and others

6. Vitamin B6 - Sources that contain vitamin B6 = beans, corn, rice, liver, fish, mashed rice, yeast, meat, and others.- Diseases caused by deficiency of vitamin B6 = pellagra aka chapped skin, cramps in muscles, insomnia or trouble sleeping, and many others.

7. Vitamin B12 - Sources that contain vitamin B12 = eggs, liver, meat, and other - Diseases caused by deficiency of vitamin B12 = less blood or anemia, easily tired / tired / lethargic / weakness, diseases of the skin, etc.

8. Vitamin C - Sources that contain vitamin C = klutuk or rose-pink stone, citrus, tomatoes, pineapple, fresh vegetables, etc.- Diseases caused by deficiency of vitamin C = easy infection of wounds, bleeding gums, pain in the joints, etc.

9. Vitamin D - Sources that contain vitamin D = fish oil, milk, eggs, cheese, etc.- Diseases caused by deficiency of vitamin D =teeth will be more easily damaged, otok can experience convulsions, abnormal bone growth that normally calf leg will form the letter O or X.

10. Vitamin E - Sources that contain vitamin E = fish, chicken, egg yolk, bean sprouts, yeast, vegetable oils, oatmeal, etc.- Diseases caused by deficiency of vitamin E = can be either male or female infertility, neurological and muscular disorders, etc.

11. Vitamin K - Sources that contain vitamin K = milk, egg yolks, fresh vegetables, et al - Diseases caused by deficiency of vitamin K = hard blood clot when injured / bleeding / wound / bleeding, bleeding in the body, and so on


Monday, December 13, 2010

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Vitamins are a group of small molecular weight organic compounds that have a vital function in the metabolism of organisms. Viewed from the side enzimologi (the science of enzymes), vitamins are cofactors in Vitamins are chemical reactions catalyzed by enzymes. The term "vitamin" actually not appropriate to wear but ultimately retained in the context of health science and nutrition. The name comes from the combination of the Latin word vita, which means life and amines (amine) which refers to an organic group which has a nitrogen atom (N), because initially vitamin considered so. Later in mind that many vitamins do not have atomic N.
As one of the components of nutrition, vitamins necessary to facilitate the body's metabolism, and not functioning to produce energy. Vitamins are involved in enzymatic processes. The body needs vitamins in small amounts, but if it needs a little overlooked, would lead to disruption of metabolism in our bodies because its function can not be replaced by another compound. Vitamin deficiency condition called avitaminosis.
In general, vitamins can not be made by animals (or humans) because they do not have the enzymes to form it, so it must be supplied from food. However, there are some vitamins that can be made from certain substances (called provitamin) in the body. Examples of vitamins which have provitamin is vitamin D. Provitamin D numerous in the subcutaneous tissue. Other vitamins that disintetis in the body is vitamin K and vitamin B12. Both kinds of vitamins are disintetis in the gut by bacteria.
Based on the solubility of vitamin divided into two groups, namely water-soluble vitamins (vitamins C and all groups of vitamin B) and fat-soluble (vitamins A, D, E, and K). Because of these solubility properties, water-soluble vitamins can not be stored in the body, while fat-soluble vitamins can be stored in the body.
These are compounds that are categorized as natural vitamins. 
Vitamin A 
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C 
Vitamin D 
Vitamin E 
Vitamin K   

antioxidants prevent muscle damage

Saturday, December 11, 2010

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Antioxidants are compounds that serves to 'tame' the free radicals formed in the body. Antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, beta-carotene, folate, and phenols contained in a variety of fruits, nuts    and vegetables are also useful to prevent various diseases caused by free radicals such as cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer's.

Free radicals are formed naturally in the body because it is a product of the energy metabolism process. The body has a natural immune system to cope with free radicals, but the body also requires additional intake of antioxidants to cope with an increasing number of free radicals that can be caused by many things such as poor quality air environment (smoke, air pollution, motor vehicle fumes), UV light, conditions of stress or also as a result of the increased number of oxygen molecules because of increased energy metabolism during exercise.

For athletes and sports activists who have high physical activity, especially for those concerned with the dominant sport using a strong muscle contraction, the consumption of antioxidants in addition useful for the health of the body is also useful to prevent and reduce pain, stiffness and also damage to the muscle tissue that can triggered by the accumulation of free radicals resulting from an increase in the energy metabolism during exercisesports.

Some studies show regular consumption of antioxidants such as vitamin E, vitamin C, selenium, beta-carotene and polyphenols which are given regularly over a period of exercise can help to reduce damage in the muscle tissue so that also helps to speed recovery time (recovery) after heavy exercise.
Studies by Jiniel Nie & Hua Lin in 2004, showed that supplementation of vitamin C given to the athletes trained as much as 800 mg in three hours before heavy exercise training and 24 hours thereafter to reduce impact damage to the muscle tissue. The study by Navarro et al conducted in 2000 showed a professional athlete in the Spanish basketball league that given the consumption of antioxidant form of vitamin C 1000 mg or 800 mg beta-carotene for 32 days in a period of regular exercise have this level of muscle tissue damage from free radicals is lower than the athletes is not given antioxidant consumption. And studies by Rokitzi in 2003, showed that supplementation of vitamin E given to the athletes racing bikes capable of providing protection against muscle damage from free radical attack.

Antioxidants can be obtained from various sources, whether from food, vegetables and fruits or also through supplements. Supplement products generally contain a combination of a pretty complete antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, carotenoids and flavonoids in its composition. It's just that the source of natural antioxidants from fruits or vegetables have the advantage because they are more rich in phytochemicals, are compounds that are usefulto prevent cancer and heart disease.
The easiest way to know the fruits or vegetables that contain high antioxidants is based on the color, the color the higher the antioxidant content. As a simple guideline for selecting a source of antioxidants, choose fruits and vegetables red, yellow, blue, green and orange.


Vitamin C For Supplies Or Lifestyle

Friday, December 10, 2010

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Vitamin C, a vitamin that is absolutely needed by the body. Because vitamin C has many benefits for our bodies. Besides containing antioxidants as an antidote to free radicals, vitamin C can also boost the immune system in our body, so that our immune system more secure. But lately vitamin C seems to be a trend or lifestyle, especially residents in the city full of busy and tight schedule of their work.
For urban residents, vitamin c is an absolute requirement, because a lot of free radicals from smoke in motor vehicles, cigarettes, or freon from air conditioning. All that makes the body vulnerable to various health problems. Durability and easy decreased free radical attack to make the body's cells are easily damaged and unable to function properly. One result of the rapid process of destruction it is premature skin aging.
Doses of vitamin C the ideal is 75 milligrams per day. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should certainly take vitamin C greater than the amount earlier. There is also the opinion enough to consume 200 milligrams a day. For people who live with stress or those who live in big cities full of pollution, such as Jakarta, a dose of 500 milligrams is a pretty good dose.

Not everyone is aware and willing to eat a healthy balanced diet. In fact, the habit is not directly guarantee the supply of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins in the body adequately. Vitamin c many can we meet our dikehidupan everyday situations, such as vegetables and fruits contain lots of vitamin c. Conditions were then led to various options. For those who lack vitamin intake through natural foods, comes a variety of supplement products as the answer. But too many people have difficulty taking supplements of vitamin C by way of oral (taken), such as patients with gastric disease. So another alternative appears to be taking vitamin supplements c. One option was presented in the form of injections or injections of vitamins.

People increasingly interested in trying injections of vitamin C for antioxidant properties of this vitamin. It is widely known that antioxidants are a powerful weapon to suppress free radicals, free radicals malignancy may be influenced by factors of age (old), illness, poor diet, air pollution, ultraviolet light. One of the problems posed by the act of free radicals is the occurrence of skin damage. In addition to look dull and wrinkled, dark skin is also so quick and appear black spots.  "Inject vitamin C, other than to boost immunity and speed up the healing process, will also make the skin look more beautiful and ageless," This deals with the workings of this vitamin, namely, among others inhibit tyrosinase enzyme that plays a role in the formation of pigment. If the skin is often exposed to sunlight, this enzyme would be rapidly stimulated to form pigment. If the pigmentation is inhibited, automatic skin so clean and bright.

Adequacy of vitamin C will help the formation of collagen or a compound containing amino acid-like glue binding the cell. The sticky substance is a major part of the composition of connective tissue such as skin, bone, ligament and bone. Collagen maintain the suppleness and elasticity of the skin with the help of vitamin C. Also to support the process that allows molecules to reach its best (hydroxylation). The task of vitamin C as well to keep the collagen from the easily damaged and weak risk. So, when given an adequate vitamin C in skin cells, there is a good chance to reduce wrinkles and improve skin surface smoothness. This is intended as a skin rejuvenation for skin does look younger and brighter. People were judged more white.

It is recommended if you want to take a vitamin C dose is high enough, to consult with your doctor. Because of concerns of side effects that you can suffer. So far the vit c is safe for consumption, but vitamin C should not be given to people with kidney failure and kidney stones, because it will spur the formation of kidney stones. Vitamin C also can disrupt the body's absorption of necessary minerals such as copper. Vitamin C is a compound that facilitate the absorption of iron. Should not be given to patients who have iron overload. For example, patients hematokromatosis (staining tissues with blood pigment).

Role for Antioxidants and Health

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

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Has we all know that health is the cornerstone and major in human life than others, such as position, power, rank, or wealth. Without optimal health, it will become meaningless, because that is healthy and fit is everyone's dream.
 Epidemiological studies indicate there are close links between health status and life expectancy of humans with their consumption patterns. People in the area who consume lots of protein, fat, sugar and salt for example, was more commonly found as people with degenerative diseases than people in the area who consume lots of carbohydrates, fiber and vitamins.
Majority countries such as Japan's long-lived, consume foods rich in beans, vegetables and fruit and green tea berkebiasaan. Eskimo community whose lives are not separated from the consumption of fish, rarely found as people with heart disease. Society groups who are accustomed to eating fermented milk was also having an average age longer.
Antioxidants are defined as compounds that can delay, slow down, and prevent the oxidation of lipids. In a special sense, antioxidants are substances that can delay or prevent the occurrence of antioxidative reactions of free radicals in lipid oxidation (Kochhar and Rossell, 1990).
The sources of antioxidants can be classified into two groups, namely synthetic antioxidants (antioxidants obtained from the synthesis of chemical reactions) and natural antioxidants (antioxidant extracted natural ingredients).
Some examples of permitted use of synthetic antioxidants for food and its use has been frequently used, namely anisol butyl hydroxy (BHA), butylated hydroxy toluene (BHT), propyl gallate, tert-butyl hidoksi quinon (TBHQ) and tocopherols. Antioxidants are natural antioxidants that have been produced synthetically for commercial purposes.
Natural antioxidants in food can be derived from (a) the existing antioxidant compounds from one or two food components, (b) an antioxidant compound that is formed from reactions during processing, (c) antioxidant compounds isolated from natural sources and added to foods as food additives (Pratt, 1992).
Antioxidant compounds isolated from natural sources is derived from plants. Kingdom plant, Angiosperm has approximately 250,000 to 300,000 species, of which approximately 400 species have been known to become human food. Isolation of natural antioxidants have been made from plants that can be eaten, but not always from the part that can be eaten. Natural antioxidant in several parts of plants, such as in wood, bark, roots, leaves, fruits, flowers, seeds and pollen (Pratt, 1992).
Natural antioxidant plant compounds are usually phenolic or polyphenolic compounds which may be a class of flavonoids, cinnamic acid derivatives, coumarin, tocopherol and polyfunctional organic acids. Flavonoid having antioxidant activity include flavonoids, flavonols, isoflavones, kateksin, flavonols and kalkon. While cinnamic acid derivatives include acid kafeat, ferulat acid, chlorogenic acid, and others.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) are commonly used as a spice or traditional medicine. Pungent components of ginger such as gingerol and 6-6 shogaol known to have antioxidant activity sufficient. Of ginger extract that has been discarded components volatilnya by steam distillation, the fraction of non volatilnya after purification, it was found that there were four compound gingerol derivatives and four kinds of diarilheptanoid which have strong antioxidant activity (Nakatani, 1992).
There are several phenolic compounds that have antioxidant activity have been isolated from soybean (Glycine max L.), one of which is flavonoids. Flavonoids soybean is unique in that of all the flavonoids isolated and identified the isoflavones.
Mechanism of action of antioxidants has two functions. The first function is the main function of antioxidants is a hydrogen atom donor. Antioxidants (AH) which has the main function is often referred to as primary antioxidants. This compound can provide a fast hydrogen atoms to lipid radical (R *, Roo *) or convert it to a more stable form, while the radical derivative of antioxidants (A *) has a more stable situation than the lipid radical.
The second function is a secondary function of antioxidants, which slow the rate of autooksidasi with a variety of mechanisms outside the chain termination mechanism autooksidasi with lipid radical conversion to a more stable form (Gordon, 1990).
Addition of antioxidants (AH) primary with a low concentration of lipids can inhibit or prevent reaction autooksidasi fats and oils. The addition of these can inhibit the oxidation reaction at the stage of initiation and propagation (Figure 1). Antioxidant radicals (A *) is formed in the reaction is relatively stable and did not have enough energy to be able to react with other lipid molecules to form new lipid radicals (Gordon, 1990).
The process of aging and degenerative diseases such as cancer cardiovascular, blood vessel blockage that includes hiperlipidemik, atherosclerosis, stroke and high blood pressure and disruption of the body's immune system can be caused by oxidative stress.
Oxidative stress is a state of unbalance and prooksidan amount of oxidant in the body. In these conditions, the activity of free radical molecules or reactive oxygen species (ROS) can cause cellular and genetic damage. Lack of nutrients and the compounds xenobiotik of food or a polluted environment will worsen the situation.
When the Japanese public generally or some Asian societies rarely have a problem with a variety of degenerative diseases, this is caused by the traditional healthy menu rich in nutrients and bioactive components. These substances have the ability as an antioxidant, which plays an important role in inhibiting the oxidation of chemical reactions, which can damage macromolecules and can cause various health problems.
Positive role of antioxidants on cancer and cardiovascular disease (primarily caused by atherosclerosis / blockage and narrowing of blood vessels) are also widely studied. Antioxidants play a role in protecting low density lipoprotein (LDL) and very low (VLDL) from the oxidation reaction.
Prevention of atherosclerosis can be done by inhibiting the oxidation of LDL using the antioxidants found in many foodstuffs.
As for cancer and tumor specialist many scientists agree that the disease originated from the mutation of genes or DNA of the cell. Changes in gene mutation can occur through the mechanism of genetic replication errors and error rates ranging from 10-15%, or external factors that alter the DNA structure such as viruses, pollution, radiation, and the compound xenobiotik of food consumption by 80-85%. Free radicals and oxidation reactions resulting chain clearly play a role in the process of this mutation. And this risk can actually be reduced by consuming antioxidants in sufficient quantities.

Chocolate for Health Benefits

Thursday, December 2, 2010

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Chocolate containing cocoa (chocolate beans) are more than 70% also have benefits for health, because chocolate is rich in the antioxidant content of phenols and flavonoids. With the presence of antioxidants, will be able to capture free radicals in the body. The amount of the antioxidant content is even 3 times more than green tea, drink very often regarded as a source of antioxidants.
With the presence of antioxidants, making the chocolate into one health drink. Phenol, an antioxidant capable of reducing cholesterol in the blood so it can reduce your risk of heart attack are also useful to prevent cancer in the body, preventing the occurrence of stroke and high blood. In addition, the fat content in chocolate high quality proven cholesterol-free and does not clog arteries.
Chocolate also contains some vitamins are useful for the body such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E. In addition, chocolate also contains substances and nutrients essential for the body such as iron, potassium and calcium. Cocoa itself is the highest natural source of magnesium. If someone is magnesium deficiency, can cause hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, joint pain and problems that a woman's monthly pre-menstrual (PMS). By eating chocolate will add magnesium in daily nutrient intake that causes increased levels of progesterone in women. This reduces the negative effects of PMS. 

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