1. Push ups
Push ups are sporting body or entity holding the hand .... This exercise strengthens your arms and the stamina of athletes in the face of strong remedy that requires hand labor.
If this often bicep curl with push-ups ... you can strengthen your arm ... you can even lift your own body ... depending on body weight are you in?
This exercise can be done anywhere in the house ... .. in the room .... in the office where the course is very practical ... just membuthkan sized space with your body ....
2. Sit ups
Exercise sit ups is to strengthen your stomach .... with this sport you can make your body become sispek
So that his stomach could Gembul in kjuruskan with frequent exercise sit ups ...
With this exercise you will have a nice stomach ... and pernapasna is okay ... because with this exercise also indirectly regulate your breathing ... ..
3. run
Running is defined as the fastest way for animals and humans to move with the foot. He is defined in sporting terms as body movement (gait) in which at some point all feet are not on the ground. Running is a form of aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise.
With this track, you can strengthen your breathing, your endurance, and even your calves and thighs ... .. to run is suitable for those of you that have a hobby that membtuhkan leg strength .... to run it ... you can eliminate the disease from a small Your laziness ...
Oh yes this run is a fun sport in general ... because we almost always run away ... this sport can be accompanied with music that fits to your heart meyejukan.
4. pull ups
Pull ups are sporting body lifting ... this sport such as push-ups because it strengthens your hand ... even with fast can strengthen your arm muscles ... but pull ups is one simple exercise enough to make sweat and quite tiring ....
5. Scots jump
Scots jump is a sport to strengthen your legs and thighs ....
Such as run, jump Scots strengthen your legs and thighs .... but the Scotsman is more tiring than jump right away ... because the Scots hold the jump is the activity of our bodies and our bodies melemperkan (jump) with the power we have ...
So jump Scots can also add or strengthen your own energy.
Nutrition Center, Physical Activity, Weight Management, Stress Management, Fats & Oils, Quit Smoking, Vitamins
How To Overcome The Weight More
Sunday, January 16, 2011
0 komentara. Healthy Eating
The play thing you can do to control weight is by eating healthy. Here are 10 tips are recommended to improv diet :
1. Increase Vegetable and Fruit Intake.
At least four servings of vegetables and three servings of fruit per day may protect the heart, drive out the cancer, adequate nutritional needs, and cans ward off stress and aging. do not assume that the vegetables are complementary while eating. no matter if 3/4 dinner plate `controlled` by the vegetable. raw food consumed either below as much as preferred : tomatoes, spinach, cabbage, green and red pappers, greens beans, celery, onion, broccoli, and mushrooms. we recommend that EACH meal comes with one apple, banana, orange, pear or glass of fruit juice.
2. Drinking Milk.
Consumption of at least 1 cup per day of milk, or 2 servings milk-based product of EACH day. Milk is a good source of calcium and protein. Adults Should choose low fat milk. But this kind of milk is not Suitable for Infants and Children. One glass of Milk with a cup of yogurt, two pieces of cheese, two tablespoons of ice cream or a milk pudding bowl.
3. Inadequate intake of protein.
Protein is Important for the body. Consumption of at least one serving of meat, poultry, fish or eggs, as well as soybeans or red beans. Meat and poultry containing proteins, iron, zinc and many other essential nutrients. What is Important, wasting and discard the fat, or bergajih Also poultry skin. Whenever possible eat a protein source containing little fat. Chicken breast without skin and bone be an alternative cans. Also fish are classified as low-fat source of protein is good. Kidney beans contain protein, fiber and other essential nutrients, and low in-fat. A serving is ¾ cup of cooked red beans.
4. Eating Fish.
Fish-rich and omega-3 fatty acids is good for the heart "Because it cans help lower triglyceride levels and lower blood pressure. One option is viable and cans in many forms dikreasikan salmon fillets Such as, steaks, or loaf.
5. Minimize salt.
Eating too much salt cans memengaruhikesehatan blood vessels and heart and cause hypertension. Limitation of total salt intakes of healthy Adults is about 1 teaspoon or 2300 mg per day. Keep in mind many of Them That infiltrated salt in a food packaging, so check sodium content on food labels. Replace salts in cooking with herbs and spices emphasis on.
6. Reduce Fat.
Too much saturated fat cans clogs the blood vessels. In Addition, Also this type of fat is associated with many Some types of cancer. Choose meat, milk and cheese are low in fat. Wherever possible use olive or canola oils. Avoid fast foods trans fats and rich in saturated fats. Familiarize children to make fruit and cereal as a snack.
7. Treat Thirst with Water.
Add water (not sweet tea, syrup, or Soft Drinks) as pelenyap Thirst. Water has so stout benefits, ranging from cleaning systems in the body, kidney function and elimination maintains, helps control weight, to make skin glow. Drink at least eight glasses per day.
8. Watch Cooking Notice how to process food. As much as possible, if the foods with grilling, boiling and steaming. Minimize fat frying oils. Reduce the frequency of meals as well as the food served outside the restaurant is usually high in fat, sugar and salt. Encourage children to help cook and grocery shop, so he was accustomed to healthy eating patterns early on.
9. Food Vary consuming a Varied menu to help the body get all the vitamins, minerals, proteins and other materials needed to stay healthy.
10. Instill Healthy snacking Habits Fill your desires with foods high in fiber is good for the heart and digestive tract, Such as wheat bread oatmeal and cereal. That potent soluble fiber reduces levels of LDL or bad cholesterol. 50-10 grams of fiber cans lower LDL levels by 5%.
Stress Relief Exercise
Monday, January 10, 2011
0 komentar
It seemed no one that is free from stress, but if excessive stress can be bad. Not just making people listless, stress will also reduce the performance of work, and even invited a variety of diseases. One stress reliever is exercise.
In addition to improving fitness, exercise is the release the hormone endorphin which can provide a sense of happy and more relaxed. Here are some sports that can relax the tension of mind.
Sports boxing or kickboxing lately getting interested in the community. Sport is not only effective to build muscle, but also can quickly make the body release the hormone endorphin. Besides boxing, another sport which has a similar effect is karate, judo, taekwondo, or aikido.
If you want faster endorphin hormones circulating in the body, try to sprint exercise. Run fast with the growing intensity of blood circulation, the circulation of oxygen, heart rate, and reduce the stress that is being felt. Make a quick run at least 15-20 minutes.
Yoga has long been known as a type of exercise stress reliever. But if you are interested, take a deep breath on a regular basis several times a day also have the same calming effect.
In order to maximize air circulation, find a quiet place. Sitting inhale slowly until the lungs filled with oxygen. Perform a minimum of 10 minutes, several times a week. Life feels more calm and will be good for health.
Long-distance running
Long-distance running can also be done to relieve stress and menjernihkah mind. While doing this exercise, endorphin hormones will rise slowly. But because it is more natural, instead of pleasure caused higher.
Favorite sport
In the end, the best exercise to reduce stress is the type of exercise you like best. When done with love, exercise of any type will give the effect of relaxing and relieving stress.
In addition to improving fitness, exercise is the release the hormone endorphin which can provide a sense of happy and more relaxed. Here are some sports that can relax the tension of mind.
Sports boxing or kickboxing lately getting interested in the community. Sport is not only effective to build muscle, but also can quickly make the body release the hormone endorphin. Besides boxing, another sport which has a similar effect is karate, judo, taekwondo, or aikido.
If you want faster endorphin hormones circulating in the body, try to sprint exercise. Run fast with the growing intensity of blood circulation, the circulation of oxygen, heart rate, and reduce the stress that is being felt. Make a quick run at least 15-20 minutes.
Yoga has long been known as a type of exercise stress reliever. But if you are interested, take a deep breath on a regular basis several times a day also have the same calming effect.
In order to maximize air circulation, find a quiet place. Sitting inhale slowly until the lungs filled with oxygen. Perform a minimum of 10 minutes, several times a week. Life feels more calm and will be good for health.
Long-distance running
Long-distance running can also be done to relieve stress and menjernihkah mind. While doing this exercise, endorphin hormones will rise slowly. But because it is more natural, instead of pleasure caused higher.
Favorite sport
In the end, the best exercise to reduce stress is the type of exercise you like best. When done with love, exercise of any type will give the effect of relaxing and relieving stress.
5 Stress Relief Food
Saturday, January 8, 2011
0 komentar
Many foods that are known to relieve stress, such as chocolate or ice cream. But it turns out there are other foods that can fight stress and make the body healthy. Anything?
As quoted from Shine, Thursday (22/10/2009), there are 5 types of food that can relieve stress, namely:
1. Spinach
According to Beth Reardon, RD, nutrition experts from Duke Integrative Medicine in Durham, North Carolina, three bowls of spinach could supply 40 percent of the magnesium, which is a mineral that can reduce the effects of stress on the body by preventing blood pressure soaring. Enter the spinach in an omelet or a sandwich if you do not like to eat it separately.
2. Orange
Even healthy people who are stressed can get sick, according to a study by researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Blood pressure monitor greatly affect the immune system. But it can be combated by regular consumption of vitamin C that it is present in citrus. Vitamin C will increase the body's immune cells and reduce the risk of viruses.
3. Chocolate
It is no wonder anymore if the chocolate is called the food stress reliever. "Chocolate will increase the level of neurotransmitter substances to the brain that will trigger spending maker hormones such as dopamine happy and relaxed," said Alan Hirsch, MD, director of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, Chicago.
4. Fish
The content of omega 3 in fish-sea fish such as salmon and tuna can improve the ability of the brain and reduce senility. In a study published in Diabetes & Metabolism, participants who ate fish during the 3 weeks of anti-stress hormones known to remove higher when performing some cognitive tests.
5. Whole Wheat
B vitamins are found mainly in whole grains will stimulate production of serotonin, a hormone and neurotransmitter substance that will send soothing signals in the brain. Elisa Zied, RD, author of Nutrition at Your Fingertips said that whole wheat body will digest slowly so that any released serotonin would last long.
As quoted from Shine, Thursday (22/10/2009), there are 5 types of food that can relieve stress, namely:
1. Spinach
According to Beth Reardon, RD, nutrition experts from Duke Integrative Medicine in Durham, North Carolina, three bowls of spinach could supply 40 percent of the magnesium, which is a mineral that can reduce the effects of stress on the body by preventing blood pressure soaring. Enter the spinach in an omelet or a sandwich if you do not like to eat it separately.
2. Orange
Even healthy people who are stressed can get sick, according to a study by researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Blood pressure monitor greatly affect the immune system. But it can be combated by regular consumption of vitamin C that it is present in citrus. Vitamin C will increase the body's immune cells and reduce the risk of viruses.
3. Chocolate
It is no wonder anymore if the chocolate is called the food stress reliever. "Chocolate will increase the level of neurotransmitter substances to the brain that will trigger spending maker hormones such as dopamine happy and relaxed," said Alan Hirsch, MD, director of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, Chicago.
4. Fish
The content of omega 3 in fish-sea fish such as salmon and tuna can improve the ability of the brain and reduce senility. In a study published in Diabetes & Metabolism, participants who ate fish during the 3 weeks of anti-stress hormones known to remove higher when performing some cognitive tests.
5. Whole Wheat
B vitamins are found mainly in whole grains will stimulate production of serotonin, a hormone and neurotransmitter substance that will send soothing signals in the brain. Elisa Zied, RD, author of Nutrition at Your Fingertips said that whole wheat body will digest slowly so that any released serotonin would last long.
How Facing Stress
Monday, January 3, 2011
0 komentarSymptoms of stress include mental, social and physical. These include fatigue, loss ofor increased appetite, headaches, frequent crying, sleeplessness, and oversleeping.Breaking away from alcohol, drugs, or other compulsive behavior are often indicationsof gelaja stress. Feelings of anxiety, frustration, or lethargy may occur in conjunction withstress.
is theability to control themselves when situations, people andevents that have memeberi excessive demands. What can you do to manage your stress? What strategies are there?
Look around your neighborhood
See maybe there's something you can actually change or control in the situation.
Learn the best ways to relax yourself
Meditation and breathing exercises have been proven effective in controlling stress.Practice to clear your mind of thoughts that are disturbing.
Keep yourself from stressful situations
Give yourself a chance to rest if only for a few moments every day.
Set realistic goals for yourself
By reducing the number of incidents that happen in your life, you will be able to reduce the excessive burden.
Do not be concerned about trivial things
Try to prioritize beberpa things that really matter and let the others follow.
Do not burden yourself unnecessarily
with complaining about your entire workload. Handle each task as it should, orselectively deal with some priority attention.
Selectively change the way you react
But not too much at once. Focus on one issue and control your reaction to this.
Change your perspective
Learn to recognize stress. Increase your body's reaction and make arrangementsyourself against stress.
Avoid excessive reaction;
Why hate when a little dislike will do? Why must feel confused when you can feelnervous? Why rage when angry enough? Why be depressed when you can just be sad?
Do something for someone else
To release your mind from your own problems.
Sleep less
Lack of rest just aggravates stress.
Avoid stress
With physical activities, such as jogging, tennis or gardening.
Avoid self-medication or escape
Alcohol and drugs can mask stress. But can not help solve the problem.
Boost your immunity
What should be underlined of stress management is "I make myself miserable?
Try to? advantage? stress
If you can not fight what's bothering you, and you can not escape from it, walk along with him and try to use it productively.
Try to be positive
Embed this on yourself that you can overcome all things well rather than just thinking about how bad things are happening. ? Stress can actually help memory, especially onshort-term memory and not too complex. Stress can cause an increase in glucose to the brain, which gives more energy to neurons. This, in turn, enhances the formation andreturn of memory. On the other hand, if stress is continuous, can inhibit glucose deliveryand disrupt memory.? All Stress Up, St. Paul Pioneer Press Dispatch, p. 8B, Monday, November 30, 1998.
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