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Vegetarian: Healthy lifestyle abstinence from meat

Saturday, November 27, 2010

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Vegetarians have two senses of the noun and adjective. As a noun, it means that people who abstain from eating meat, but eat only vegetables and other vegetable foodstuffs. As an adjective, a vegetarian means no meat or habits of abstinence from meat. So vegetarians are distancing themselves from the foods that contain meat, such as curry goat, beef jerky, Pepes grilled fish or chicken.
Because of abstinence from meat, vegetarians should be sufficient for the protein of nuts, fruits, vegetables rich in protein, calcium and vitamins are sourced from plants.

Healthy lifestyle
Awareness of healthy living has a lot to encourage people to become a pure vegetarian. Surveys conducted by the National Restaurant Association in the United States shows that 20% of people who come to the restaurant menu select vegetables.
There are several reasons people choose to become vegetarian: (1) religious beliefs such as Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity Adventist, (2) awareness and desire to look younger, (3) by reason of physical and mental health. Third is the most common reason to make someone a vegetarian.

Grouping Vegetarian
there are several group of vegetarian :
a. Vegetarian VeganIs a pure vegetarian. Because it did not eat food of animal origin such as meat, offal, milk and eggs. The main food source is vegan vegetarian vegetable materials such as vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.
b. Lacto Vegetarian. This group ate meals from vegetable sources and milk and processed products such as cheese, butter and yogurt. 
c. Lacto-ovo vegetarian. This group abstaining consume animal products, especially if slaughtered first. But the eggs and milk are still allowed to be consumed.
d. Pesco Vegetarian. This group in addition to eating a dish of vegetable source, also should eat a meal of fish, both marine fish and freshwater fish.
e. Vegetarian Fluctarian. This group is among the most loose compared with other groups that have been mentioned. This group abstinence only red meat. So they still can eat fried chicken, chicken soup, and other processed meat from poultry.

Vegetarian BenefitsIn 1961, the magazine Journal of the American Medical Association says that a vegetarian diet can prevent the blockage of heart arteries to 97%. According to Rita Butram, PhD, chief of food and cancer of the national cancer institute (NCI), the United States that 35% -40% of all cancer deaths had something to do with food. Following the principles of healthy foods that have been selected, it turns out that vegetarians can obtain good health and can prevent disease and improve strength. The principle of vegetarianism is actually derived from ancient traditions of simple living, natural healing, and total commitment to maintain and sustain a healthy environment to live a happier, healthier and live longer.

Long Life with Vegetarian. Motivation of the perpetrators of vegetarians generally brought from spiritual faith to not eat meat, by focusing the mind and positive attitude toward myself. Vegetarian (vegetarian) meal just from vegetable products like beans, fruits, and vegetables are rich in fiber composition and cholesterol-free is very effective in preventing various cancers (colon cancer and breast cancer), including the heart disease that is The main killer of this century man. By being a vegetarian that this will make the perpetrator physically healthier, which would certainly make it more longevity.

Historical facts. In World War I, northern sea blockade by the British fleet in order to stop the import of food needed by residents of Denmark (Copenhagen its capital), which highly depends on the import of grain. In order not to die of starvation, eventually Danish people eat seeds which are usually given to livestock. As a substitute for meat, they eat potatoes, wheat, bran, green vegetables and a little milk.
Although less like the menu without meat, about 3 million people to survive. In fact, statistical data showed the decreasing mortality rate due to their diet without meat menu. The death rate in Copenhagen actually dropped sharply below the 34% mortality 18 years earlier.
The same thing happened to Norway when World War II. For five years, the country's meat supply had fallen sharply. So the population must depend on the vegetable products such as potatoes, grains, vegetables and a little fish. At that time, the number of deaths caused by heart disease and clogged blood vessels dropped dramatically. However, the rate of deaths from both diseases is rising again as before when the war was over and the population of Norway to enjoy the return of animal foods.

Reason to be Vegetarian. Why should humans do not eat meat? Because the human body such as the mouth, the structure of teeth, jaw movement, colon and sweat lines are not designed as a meat eater. So it is not surprising that many diseases arise from eating meat such as heart disease, cancer, stroke and high blood.
Research Dr. Astand Per Olof (Swedish scientist) in nine athletes to distinguish vegetarian menu at some of the athletes and the meat animal on the other athletes. It appears that endurance athletes who eat a vegetarian menu is almost three times greater than in those who consume meat and other livestock. So it is not surprising that most of the athletes in the world is vegetarian.

treatment of diabetes with low-fat milk

Sunday, November 21, 2010

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Your doctor diagnosed diabetes? Recent research has suggested that we should consume dairy products with low fat content (low fat), such as smoothies made with low fat yogurt. But do not also forget to equip it with regular exercise.
This conclusion is derived from the 10-year study of 3,000 respondents. They were then divided into 2 groups. First is the group who consumed various types of dairy products and the second group did not consume dairy at all. As a result, the first group have insulin resistance 70 percent lower.
What is insulin resistance? Insulin resistance is a condition in which decreased insulin sensitivity and makes our blood sugar levels are not balanced or excess blood sugar. General obesity or obesity, marked by increasing insulin resistance.
"All content in milk, such as lactose, protein, and fat has the potential to increase the sugar content," said Mark A. Pereira, PhD, one of the researchers from Harvard Medical School. But the milk sugar (lactose) is converted into blood sugar is processed more slowly, so it is good to control blood sugar levels and lower insulin levels.
Protein in milk helps keep our immune. While the fat content will make us also feel satisfied. Enjoy also the other nutrients from dairy products are also useful, such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium.
Let's fight diabetes by:
1. Consume 2 servings of low-fat milk every day. Each portion will be cut resistance insuli excess up to 20%.
2. Do exchange. Choose dairy products, snacks instead of high carbohydrate and low in fiber, such as soft drinks, candy, or fast food.
3. Accompany the milk with fruit, vegetables and whole grains. We can add fresh fruit pieces in yogurt for breakfast. Or low-fat cheese melted on whole wheat bread

know & prevent stroke

Saturday, November 20, 2010

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                   Stroke is the second cause of death in the world with more than 5.1 million figure. The death rate in men and women are relatively equal, but death rates in poor countries and developing countries is much greater than the stroke death rate in developed countries. In 2020, the death rate from stroke is expected to reach 7.6 million people.Stroke occurs when blood vessels in the brain ruptures or becomes blocked. The symptoms of stroke lasting more than 24 hours.
Based on the cause, stroke is divided into two kinds, namely:
1. Cerebral haemorrhage (stroke hemorajik), the stroke that occurs because of rupture of blood vessels.
2. Ischaemic stroke (ischemic stroke), the strokes that occur due to blockage of blood vessels.
Views and symptoms, stroke is divided into three kinds, namely:
1. Stroke while (recovered within a few minutes or hours).
2. Minor stroke (recovered within a few weeks).
3. Severe stroke (cured by leaving the disabled, can not fully recovered, even in a few months (years) can lead to death.
Both the temporary stroke, mild or severe symptoms have five major, namely:
1. Dizziness or headache suddenly without knowing why.2. All of a sudden loss of balance, coordination and body control.3. Loss of vision in one or both eyes.4. Loss of consciousness and speech are not clear.5. Weakness and paralysis of the face, arms, hands, especially on one side of the body.
Action and PreventionAlthough only a temporary stroke, but is recommended in patients to quickly to the nearest hospital or doctor. Handling the doctor or the hospital will determine the patient's recovery.
Some patients can recover and stroke, but many died or suffered permanent disability (paralysis, impaired speech and loss of some memory). Stroke hemorajik have probabiliitas larger as the cause of smallpox or death than ischemic strokes.
A person who had suffered a mild stroke can get a repeat stroke. Even the very high risk of recurrent stroke. Less is more, and five patients will receive secondary stroke within five years. But as the development of stroke treatment, the risk of recurrence of the disease can be reduced. Acetyl salicylic acid is widely used by patients with ischemic stroke (TIA) can reduce the risk of secondary stroke by 25 - 33%.
Surgery to remove blockages in the carotid artery that carries blood to the brain also can reduce the risk of stroke in patients with ischemic stroke (TIA). But only a fraction of patients can undergo surgery in drugs anti-clotting can also be used to reduce the risk of stroke due to cardiac rhythm disturbances. However, only a small proportion of patients receive it.
Anyone will never know when the stroke came. However, preventive measures below may be a breath of fresh air for everyone: 
+ Routine blood pressure checkThe level of blood pressure is the most dominant factor in all types of stroke. The higher the blood pressure the greater the risk of stroke. If blood pressure increases, immediately consult with a physician. Blood pressure to watch out for is if the highest figure in the top 135 and bottom number is 85.
+ Beware of heart rhythm disturbances (attrial fibrillation)His heart rate is not fair show functional changes that cause the blood to accumulate and clot within the heart. Heart rate that can move the blood clots that enter the bloodstream that cause stroke. Heart rhythm disturbances can be detected with pulse rate.
+ Stop smoking and anti-alcoholSmoking may increase the risk of stroke doubles. As with cigarettes, alcohol can increase the risk of stroke and other diseases such as liver.
+ Check your cholesterol levels in the bodyKnowing the level of cholesterol can increase awareness of stroke. High cholesterol leads to the risk of stroke. If cholesterol is high, then immediately to lower it by choosing foods low in cholesterol. For cholesterol in the body is not excessive, then replace the intake of saturated fats with unsaturated fatty acids such as omega 3, 6 and 9.
+ Controls blood sugar levelsDiabetes can increase the risk of stroke. If you are diabetic, consult with a doctor about the foods and drinks that can be consumed to lower blood sugar.
+ Olabraga regularbrisk walking at least 30 minutes a day can reduce the risk of stroke. You can also do sports pool, bike, dance, golf, or tennis. Choose a sport you like and do regularly three times a week.
+ Consumption of low sodium salt and fat dietReduce salt intake bersodium high. Conversely consume fruits, vegetables, and grains to reduce the risk of stroke.
+ Beware of blood circulation disordersStroke related to the heart, arteries and veins. The three parts are important for the circulation of blood throughout the body, including to the brain and heart. When there are fatty deposits that block the flow, then the risk of stroke increases. This problem can be treated. Operation is also able to overcome the fatty deposits that block arteries.

hair health and food

Friday, November 19, 2010

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When hair is in trouble, the first thing you blame most likely the shampoo you use. However, do you ever think that hair condition is also influenced by diet?
If your hair is dry, this is usually caused by dehydration, hair dying due to lack of nutrients, and loss caused by stress. Here are some ways to eat to maintain healthy hair:
loss.Hair is made up of protein, so do not eat enough protein will cause hair loss. Instead, consumption of multivitamin supplements, including vitamin C and iron every day. Or, try to multiply protein by eating meat, fish oil, which is good for hair luster and green leafy vegetables.

Dry scalp. It's a sign you are not eating enough essential fatty acids. Fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats that are important for skin moisture and hair cells. Its source is oily fish like salmon and mackerel, avocado, and nuts.
If red and itchy scalp, you may be eating too much salt and sugar. It is recommended to wash it with anti-fungal shampoo or tea tree oil and reduce consumption of sugar and salt.

Glasses, softlens or lasik surgery for the eyes

Thursday, November 18, 2010

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Various eye defects common is nearsightedness, farsightedness, a cylinder. The most commonly used to overcome this is to use glasses. Along with the progress of time, many use a soft lens that is placed directly in the eye lens. Or for those who do not like using glasses or soft lens, another option is to perform eye surgery lasik so you can return to function normally.
Each of these alternatives has advantages and disadvantages. For those of you who want to try an alternative, you could consider the pros and cons of each so that they can choose according to need.
The advantages and disadvantages of using glasses
Excess Glasses : 
- Can make the face more character.
- As a style and add to the appearance.
Lack Glasses    :  
- It felt a lump in the nose and ears, so it is not convenient.
- Interfering activity, when in a hot environment, the glass is often steamed or exposed to sweat. 
If you choose glasses, you also have to choose lenses that will be used. Lenses are available in 2 options, namely glass and plastic lenses. The advantage of glass lenses are thinner, but heavier and prone to rupture. While the plastic lens is lighter and not easily broken, but rather thick and easily scratched.
The advantages and disadvantages of using softlens
Excess Softlens : 
- More comfortable, no foreign objects in the face.
- Adding style, the colors are beautiful softlens, can make the eyes more beautiful.
Lack Softlens    : 
- difficult in the care, softlens always be cleaned and stored properly.
- May cause irritation if not diligent in cleaning it.

Lasik Surgery
Advantages and disadvantages of lasik surgery
Excess Lasik Surgery : 
- Can see normally without the need for vision aids (glasses or softlens) so it is more convenient. 
- No need to replace glasses or softlens. You will also not be bothered with maintenance. 
Lack of Lasik Surgery : 
- Scared, because they have to dissect the eye, this can cause fear in patients. 
- Expensive, cost about 8 million-10 million dollars / eye.
This operation is carried out by dissect your eyes, fix your eyes to get back to normal without the aid of glasses or softlens. In the early stages of this operation, you will be tested for your health. The next step will be further investigation to determine the condition of the eye is the eye capable when executed this operation or not.
Operations are performed only takes about 20 minutes and without suturing process, because the surgery is done by using a laser. Surgery is performed to open the corneal layer, irradiation performed to repair a damaged eye, then closed again in which the cornea will stick to itself without the need stitches.
In the period of healing after surgery, you need to really keep your eye for this operation successful as expected. The eyes should remain protected by using protective eyewear. The eyes should not be exposed to water directly and should be well rested.
If you are interested to perform lasik surgery, make sure the place and the doctor you choose is really able to do in order to avoid further damage to your eyes.      

Benefits of Cycling

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

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 The results obtained from cycling in particular will tighten as the lower calf muscles, thighs and hips. Cycling can burn calories by 300 to 700 calories per hour. So, it will be useful for you who want to lose weight. In addition, cycling can increase lung volume to 50% so that the oxygen that can fit more.
For obese people, cycling is a sport that is recommended for cycling are relatively safe compared to most sports that require running or jumping. Conflicts due to running or jumping can cause injury to the legs, waist, back for those who are obese because the excess weight makes impact even harder. Cycling is also good for those who have heart disease.
One reason for cycling to be an interesting exercise is that cycling may be one way of relaxation. Enjoying the scenery in a relaxed and merasakah wind gusts can be one means of recreation is refreshing. So you can physically fit plus the clarity of thought.
Bike Buying Tips
Interested to try cycling? For those of you who do not have a bike, the main step is to buy a bicycle to be used. There are various models of bikes in different sizes. In order to get a comfortable bike, consider the following things when choosing a bike that will be purchased:
- Bicycle saddle should be comfortable to sit and in sizes that fit.
- Select a bike with saddle height is adjusted to your height. Saddle should not be too high because it will make it difficult when I had to pedal also can cause thigh into the wound. Saddle is too low also should be avoided because it makes the leg must bend too much and makes it feel sore. Although the bicycle saddle may be raised and lowered, but make sure that the maximum and minimum height according to your condition. Ideally tall bicycle saddle and handlebar height parallel.
Cycling Tips
In order to gain the maximum benefit and avoid injury, several things must be considered, namely:
- Make sure the important parts of the bike such as brakes and tires in a safe condition so it will not interfere with travel or cause accidents.
- To avoid the risk of injury, do a little warming, especially to stretch the muscles of the bottom such as waist, thighs and calves.
- As a security enhancer when cycling, you can mengguunakan pelidung equipment such as helmets, shoes, socks, gloves, glasses or other necessary equipment.
- When I started riding a bike, do it first with slow speed for 5-10 minutes as a way to warm up and adjust with the bike.
- When riding a bike, keep your pedal one full turn.
- The recommended speed for health is 27 km / h and the wheels 70 revolutions per minute (rpm)
- Finished cycling, do do cooling by pedaling slowly for about 10 minutes.
In addition to health, using a bicycle also can reduce air pollution due to vehicular use. Traffic fumes can create a contaminated environment. We recommend using a bike when you have to travel to a place that allows to reach by bicycle. In fact, there is also a community named "Bike to Work" using a bicycle to go to work every day.  

10 ways to choose healthy foods

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

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10 tips you can follow to get healthy food, but also still feels good on the tongue.
1. Rich Food Consumption Nutrition.
It takes more than 40 different nutrients to make your body stay healthy. And one type of food intake alone can not meet all of these types. Daily food choices you should include bread and grain products full of other fruits, vegetables, dairy products and meat, fish or other foods containing protein. How much food should you eat should depend on the calories your body needs.
2. Consumption of rice-Padian Full, Fruit and Vegetables.
Surveys show that most people do not consume enough of these foods. Did you already eat 6-1 servings of rice or cereal, is 3 servings of the type you eat this, including full grain? Did you already eat a meal consisting of 2-4 servings of fruit and 3-5 servings of vegetables? If you are not enjoying the kind of food before, so from now on give yourself a chance to taste it.
3. Balanced Weight Set.
The weight that's suitable for you depends on many factors, including gender, height, age and heredity. Excess body fat increases your blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and some types of cancer or other diseases. But having a body too thin can also cause osteoporosis, menstrual imbalances and other health problems. So a very balanced weight affects health.
4. Eating In Decent size.
If you maintain your portion sizes reasonable, it's easier to eat the foods you want so you stay healthy. Do you know rekomondasi cook food that is served is 3 ounces. Medium size fruit is one serving and one cup of pasta is equal two servings, and 4 servings of ice cream.    
5. Eat regularly.
Skipping meals will only make the hunger control is lost, even in fact be the result of excessive hunger. When you feel hungry, it's also tempting to forget about good nutrition. Eating snacks between meals is the only way that can help you overcome hunger, but do not over-eat snack.  
6. Reduce, Not Limiting Portion Eating.
Most people eat to please yourself. If food is your favorite type of high fat, salt or sugar, the key to make it feasible. Please check the content in your diet and change it if it is necessary. For adults who consume foods high in fat or whole milk products in every food they actually eat too much fat. Make the list of nutrients in the food label to help you balance your food choices.
7. Balance your Food Choices Every Time.
Not all food must be perfect. When you eat foods high in fat, salt or sugar, select the lowest ingredients. If you miss these food groups in a day, fix the next day.
8. Knowing the difficulty of your diet program.
Improve your eating habits, first identify what is wrong with your diet. Write down everything you eat in three days, then check the list and match with these tips. What you eat too much butter, creamy sauces or salad? Rather than eliminate them altogether, better cut your portions. Are you getting enough fruits and vegetables? If not, you may miss vital nutrients in food.
9. Make changes gradually.
There was never a 'super food' or a healthy diet that is easy, do not expect to immediately remove your eating habits overnight. Start is making changes step by step until you reach a positive outcome, and so healthy eating habits throughout life. More simply, if you do not like milk without the fat, try redah milk fat. In the end maybe you'll like milk without the fat.
10. Remember, Food Not A Bad Habit.
Choose foods based on your total eating patterns, not based on 'good' or 'bad. " Do not feel guilty if you love foods such as pies, potato chips, chocolate or ice cream. Eat properly, and select other foods that can balance your nutrition and various others, which is good for your health.          

medical equipment tensimeter

Monday, November 15, 2010

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Tensimeter is medical equipment that serves to measure blood pressure. This tool also there are two types: manual and tensimeter tensimeter digital.
Tensimeter manual (tensimeter Mercury)
In general, the accuracy of medical equipment manual is much higher than the digital. Similarly with tensimeter. Mungin that is why tensimeter manual preferred by medical workers.
Tensimeter mercury is a blood pressure cuff-based measurements of mercury as an indicator. Tensimeter this type have the advantage on the level of accuracy is very good. Most good compared to other types tensimeter.
However, using this tensimeter must be very careful. If any of use can be harmful to health, even causing death due to heavy metals mercury poisoning.
Radiation heavy metal tool is the possibility could arise due to leakage in the tube of mercury. Mercury out and inhaled by humans. Leakage can occur due to negligence or other factors that cause the tube container and the evaporation of mercury have cracks or breakage.

Digital tensimeter
Digital tensimeter is medical equipment that serves to measure blood pressure who work digitally (automatic). Digital tensimeter has several advantages, namely:
-Safe, because it does not use mercury radiation risk of heavy metal.-Practical, direct measurement result is displayed on a digital screen.-Multifitur, these tools usually come equipped with a variety of other useful features. As the graph of blood pressure (whether normal blood or not?) And features irreirreguler heart beat.No need special training to use it, because I was not much different from the use of mercury tensimeter. However, digital tensimeter also has a weakness that is the level of measurement accuracy is lower than in tensimeter mercury. Accuracy of measurement in the digital tensimeter is influenced by many factors including the condition of the battery (power), the lifetimes (the longer the use of progressively decreasing level of accuracy) and product technology. Therefore, periodic calibration is necessary. And for the calibration process used tensimeter mercury.

Some principles of good eating during pregnancy

Sunday, November 14, 2010

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In pregnancy you need more consumption of protein, calories (for energy), vitamins and minerals such as folic acid and iron for your baby's development as well. Remember you need an additional 300 calories / day.
Meat and raw eggs, soft cheeses, milk is not dipasteriusasi, alcohol, and caffeine.
Pregnancy is not the time is right for your diet will only endanger the mother and baby. Diet during pregnancy will cause a lack of vitamins, minerals and other important during pregnancy. Weight gain in pregnancy is one good sign of a healthy pregnancy. Pregnant women who eat well will gain weight gradually, typically will give birth to healthy babies.
In the first trimester there are usually complaints of nausea vomiting (morning sickness), try to overcome by eating small portions but often, avoid spicy and greasy food.Eat small portions but made several times is recommended every 4 hours. Remember though you are not hungry, but your baby needs food / nutrition regularly.
The food you eat is the best source of vitamins-but are you sure your diet contains enough vitamins needed during pregnancy, which is mainly iron and folic acid which is indispensable for the growth of healthy infants. For that you should take your vitamins regularly.
8 glasses a day. Because you need enough fluids for you and your baby. 33% weight gain in pregnancy is a liquid. Fluids are needed to build the baby's red blood cells for system circulation, the amniotic fluid. Your body also needs water during pregnancy to overcome constipation and regulate your body temperature. 
Expand eating high-fiber foods, fruits and vegetables can help you cope with constipation during pregnancy.

Benefits of Drinking Milk To Lower Risk of Breast Cancer

Saturday, November 13, 2010

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Benefits of milk had no doubt. Almost all the nutrients found in milk of good quality. Protein and fat milk has a high ketecernaan properties. Vitamin and mineral content of milk is relatively complete.
Milk can be consumed in various forms. There is nothing in the fresh or processed form, such as milk powder or condensed milk. Humans also consume milk from food products containing milk, such as cheese, ice cream, and yogurt.
However, there are still differences of opinion about the consumption of this milk. No group has claimed that the consumption of milk every day is not good for health, especially vascular diseases such as narrowing of blood vessels. The argument is, milk increases blood cholesterol levels risk factors for heart disease. Secondly, there is a positive relationship between average milk production per capita with deaths from heart disease in some countries.
Hjartäker together with colleagues from the Institute of Community Medicine, University of Tromso, Norway, through its publication in the International Journal of Cancer, proving that mengonsumi three or more glasses of milk every day can reduce the risk of breast cancer in premenopausal women.
Through the study cohort the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study, they examined 48 844 women for six years and two months. Consumption of milk is measured by sending the form to the respondent history of food consumption. During this period, the team found 317 cases Hjartäker breast cancer patients.
It turned out that the consumption of milk since childhood negatively associated with the incidence of breast cancer when they were aged 34-39 years (premenopausal). That means that the consumption of milk since childhood can reduce the risk of breast cancer.
Consumption of milk in adulthood also reduces the risk of breast cancer after corrected by hormonal factors, body mass index, physical activity, and alcohol consumption. Women who do not consume milk run the risk of breast cancer 2 times greater than women who consumed milk 3 cups or more of milk every day.     

10 benefits of water

Friday, November 12, 2010

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Water in the body of which function to maintain freshness, helps digestion and remove toxins. But, you know, there are many benefits of water, in addition to delicious freshness.
Many people who do not know the properties of water in addition to eliminating hunger alone. Water can cure various diseases with an easy and inexpensive. The following 10 benefits of white water that might be the reference when it comes to consuming beverages out of the water.
1. Streamlining the Digestive SystemConsuming adequate amounts of water every day will facilitate the digestive system so that we will be avoided from digestive problems like heartburn or constipation. Burning calories will also be run efficiently.
2. White Water Helps Growth Slows Cancer-causing substances, plus prevent kidney stones and liver disease. Drinking water will make the body more energy.
3. Beauty CareIf less drinking water, the body will absorb the moisture content of the skin so the skin becomes dry and wrinkled. In addition, water can protect the skin from the outside, as well as moisturize and nourish the skin. To maintain the beauty too, the cleanliness of the body must be properly addressed, plus drinking water 8-10 glasses a day.
4. To FertilityIncreasing testosterone production in men and estrogen in women.According to the research result of a thrombosis research institute in London, England, if someone always bathe with cold water then smooth blood circulation and body feels fresh and fit. Bathing with cold water will increase production of white blood cells in the body and increase one's ability to attack the virus.
In fact, a bath with cold water in the morning can increase testosterone production in men and estrogen in women. With so fertility and sexual excitement will increase. In addition, improved skin tissue, nails healthier and stronger, not easily cracked. Well, make that lazy morning bath or shower should be started even tuh lazy to change habits
5. Healthy HeartWater is also believed to participate cure heart disease, arthritis, skin damage, Papas tract disease, colon, and female diseases. Even today quite a lot of alternative treatments that take advantage of the efficacy of white water.    
6. For Stroke DrugHot water not only used to treat various skin diseases, but also effective for treating paralysis, such as stroke. Therefore, water can help strengthen back muscles and ligaments as well as facilitate the circulatory system and respiratory system.
Heating effect causes the dilation of blood vessels, improving blood circulation and tissue oxygenation, thus preventing muscle stiffness, relieve pain and calm the mind. The content of ions, especially chlorine, magnesium, hydrogen carbonate and sulfate in hot water, helping to widen blood vessels thus increasing blood circulation. In addition, the water pH is able to sterilize the skin.
7. Relaxation EffectsTry standing in the shower and feel the effect in the body. Shower water falling into the body feels like a massage and be able to eliminate fatigue because it feels like a massage. Some alternative medicine experts say, that come into contact with water fountain, take a walk around the waterfalls, or rivers and parks with lots of showers, will acquire properties negative ions. Negative ions which arise due to water droplets that collide it can relieve pain, neutralize toxins, combating disease, and to help absorb and utilize oxygen. Negative ions in the blood stream will accelerate the delivery of oxygen to cells and tissues.
Not only that if you have muscle tension can dilegakan with warm water bath temperature about 37 degrees C. While our sore feet is often advisable to soak the feet with warm water mixed with a little salt. Well, if you choose a shower at home try to bathe and enjoy the results. That said, the shower also generate negative ions.
8. Attenuate AgencyWater is also remove impurities in the body that will be faster to get out through urine. For those who want to arrange any body, drink warm water before eating (and thus felt somewhat satisfied) is one way to reduce the amount of food intake. Moreover the water contains no calories, sugar, or fat. However, it is best to drink water at medium temperature, not too hot, and not too cold. Want to skinny?, Drinking water only.   
9. More Fit BodySavor the water was not only to cleanse the body, but also as a substance that our bodies need. We may be able to survive food shortages a few days rather than less water. Therefore, water is a major part in human body composition.
10. Balancing the body.Decreased the amount of water in the body, the function of the body organs will also be reduced and more easily disturbed by bacteria, viruses. However, the human body has a mechanism in maintaining the balance of the incoming water intake and output. Thirst in every person is a normal mechanism in maintaining the water intake in the body. Water body needs approximately 2 to 2.5 l (8-10 cups) per day. Total water demand is already included water intake from food (such as soup, soto), beverages such as milk, tea, coffee, syrup. In addition, water intake was also obtained from the metabolism of food consumed and tissue metabolism in the body.
Well, water is also removed the body through urine and sweat. The amount of water removed the body through urine about 1 liter per day. If the amount of feces that was issued in healthy people of about 50-400 g / day, its water content of about 60-90% weight of feces or about 50-60 ml of water a day.
Meanwhile, water is wasted through sweating and respiratory tract in a maximum of 1 liter per day, depending on the temperature of the surrounding air. Not to mention the expenditure of factors of water through respiration. Someone who has a fever, water content in the breath will increase. In contrast, the amount of water inhaled through the breath is reduced due to low air humidity in the vicinity.
Body condition will decline when the water content decreases and we do not immediately meet the needs of these bodies of water. U.S. cardiologist, Dr. James M. Rippe give advice to drink water at least a liter more than what is needed our thirst. The reason, losing only 4% of the liquid will decrease our performance as much as 22%! It is understandable if the loss of 7%, we will begin to feel weak and lethargic.     
Just so you know, the more activity then the more water is drained from the body. For that reason, health experts warn not to drink only when thirsty habits seem much to drink, whether it is hungry or not, is a healthy habit!
If you are in air-conditioned room, it is recommended to drink more because the air is cold and your body become dehydrated faster. Many drinks also will help the skin does not dry quickly. In the room where the temperature is still advisable to get a drink even though does not feel thirsty to balance the temperature.  

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